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Lex be having you…

Lexicons & other words that start with lex

If you stumble across a word with the prefix lex, there’s a pretty good chance that it will have something to do with words. But how many of the following words that start with lex did you already know? Words that

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36 nautical idioms to get you shipshape and Bristol fashion

Anchor and steering wheel

My recent adventure on the high seas (well, the North Sea to be precise) got me thinking about the numerous nautical idioms that permeate the English language. As an island nation, Britain has a rich maritime heritage. Our reliance on

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Whatever the weather, we’ve an idiom for it

Weather idioms: raining cats and dogs

We Brits talk about the weather a lot. It dominates our everyday conversations and is always a reliable opener for small talk. It’s not surprising, therefore, that a number of weather-related idioms have crept into the English language over the

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