
Proofreading your own words is never easy and rarely very successful. Whether you’ve laboured long and hard to write your own copy or had to produce it in a rush, you’ll be far too close to it.

However many times you reread your own words, the chances are that you’ll still see what you wanted to write rather than what you actually wrote.

Whether yours is a multinational company or a micro business, first impressions really do count. So it pays to employ the services of a professional proofreader.

For a small outlay, using a proofreading service can make a huge difference to how your company is perceived. An embarrassing typo, missing word or misplaced punctuation mark could prove costly!

As an experienced and qualified freelance proofreader, I can check your words with an objective and – more importantly – fresh pair of eyes.

The subject, format or length don’t matter.

I’m happy proofreading online marketing collateral such as blog posts, websites and newsletters. At the other end of the spectrum, I can give technically challenging user manuals or corporate documents like annual reports a final ‘sanity check’ before they go to print.

As part of my proofreading services, I also offer website validation. In addition to spotting any spelling mistakes, typos, stylistic inconsistencies or grammatical errors, this involves following every link and clicking on every tab – allowing you to iron out any glitches before the site goes live. This service is also available to clean up existing websites to enhance the overall user experience and increase conversions.

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